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Blue Eyed Lemon Bristlenose Pleco - 2 inch

Blue Eyed Lemon Bristlenose Pleco - 2 inch

This is a tank raised new strain that is VERY cool. The eye is a very bright…

Blue Eyed Long Fin Lemon Bristlenose Pleco - 1 inch

Blue Eyed Long Fin Lemon Bristlenose Pleco - 1 inch

This is a new tank raised strain that is VERY cool. The eye is a very bright…

L129 Stripes Peckolia - 2 Inch

L129 Stripes Peckolia - 2 Inch

All Plecos are unique and the coloration/pattern of each can vary. The Pleco you…

L200 Yellow Spotted Green Phantom Pleco 4-5 inch

L200 Yellow Spotted Green Phantom Pleco 4-5 inch

All Plecos are unique and the coloration/pattern of each can vary. The Pleco you are purchasing is…

Long Finned Bushynose Pleco - 1-2 inch

Long Finned Bushynose Pleco - 1-2 inch

The picture is of a mature adult Long Finned Bushynose Pleco at around 5 inches. They are…

Long Finned Golden Bushynose Pleco  1-2 inch

Long Finned Golden Bushynose Pleco 1-2 inch

The picture is of a mature adult Long Finned Albino Bushynose Pleco at around 5…

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