We are now stocking these due to high demand. The price is for one…
Corydoras Catfish. One of the most popular Corys. All Corydoras are great for community…
Corydoras Catfish. All Corydoras are great for community tanks and do great with Discus…
Corydoras Catfish. One of the most popular Corys. All Corydoras are great for community…
The price shown is for four Assorted Glo Sharks. The average price is 8.95 each. We do not Guarantee…
The price shown is for six Long Finned GloTetras. They will glow if put under…
The price shown is for one Glo Shark. These are extremely Flourescent fish…
The price shown is for one Glo Shark. These are extremely Flourescent fish…
The price shown is for one Glo Shark. These are 4 inch. These are…
The price shown is for one Glo Shark. These are extremely Flourescent fish…
Stunning Coloration. One of the most vivid and brightly colored fish. These are all males. Female Dwarf…
LIMIT 4 PER ORDER. The one pictured is mature male with breeding coloration showing. Males are more…
These are in stock and ready to ship. They are 3-4 inches. The coloration will vary. We…
These are show quality! The Bonsai is a minature Blue Ram with a pot…
These are stunning as adults and beautiful as juveniles. At 3 inches, the red spots are coming…
These are really beautiful, great community fish and go well with Discus and Angelfish. …
The price is for three Ember Tetras. The average price is 2.99 each. We…
This is for three Tetras with an average price of 3.02 each. We are…
We are now stocking these when available due to high demand. These are Tank Bred and Tank…
X-ray Tetra – The Price Shown is for 12 Fish. Tetra Fish for…
X-ray Tetra – The price shown is for 3 X-Ray Tetras. Tetra Fish…