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If you are ordering Plants to ship with fish, the plants can delay the order as we only pick up plants from a local aquatic nursery once a week, usually on Monday or Tuesday.  DURING THE WINTER, PLANTS CANNOT BE SHIPPED VIA FLAT RATE SHIPPING.

Anacharis - Large - Bunch of 12

Anacharis - Large - Bunch of 12

Plants orders can be delayed a few days up to…

Anubias - Assorted - Medium - Six Plants

Anubias - Assorted - Medium - Six Plants

Anubias SPPPlants orders can be delayed a few days up…

Anubias - Assorted - Small - 12 Plants

Anubias - Assorted - Small - 12 Plants

Anubias SPPPlants orders can be delayed a few days up…

Bacopa Lemon - Bunch of 12

Bacopa Lemon - Bunch of 12

BACOPA CAROLINEANA Plants orders can be delayed a few…

Banana Plant - Medium - Group of 12

Banana Plant - Medium - Group of 12

NYMPHOIDES AQUATICA The price is for 12 separate plants. The price works out…

Cabomba - Bunch of 12

Cabomba - Bunch of 12

CABOMBA CAROLINIANA Plants orders can be delayed a few…

Crypt - Cryptocorne Assorted - Large - Bunch of 12

Crypt - Cryptocorne Assorted - Large - Bunch of 12

CRYPTOCORNE SP Plants orders can be delayed a few…

Crypt - Cryptocorne Assorted - Medium - Bunch of 12

Crypt - Cryptocorne Assorted - Medium - Bunch of 12

CRYPTOCORNE SP Plants orders can be delayed a few…

Crypt - Lucens - Medium - Bunch of 12

Crypt - Lucens - Medium - Bunch of 12

CRYPTOCORYNE LUCENS Plants orders can be delayed a few days…

Crypt - Wendtii De Witt Red - Large - Bunch of 12

Crypt - Wendtii De Witt Red - Large - Bunch of 12


Dwarf Saggittaria - Bunch of 12

Dwarf Saggittaria - Bunch of 12

SAGITTARIA SUBULATA DWF Plants orders can be delayed a…

Hornwart - Bunch of 12

Hornwart - Bunch of 12

CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM Plants orders can be delayed a few…

Java Fern - Medium - 12 Bunch

Java Fern - Medium - 12 Bunch

MICROSORIUM PTEROPUS Plants orders can be delayed a few…

Mint/Creeping Charlie - Medium - Bunch of 12

Mint/Creeping Charlie - Medium - Bunch of 12

MICROMERIA BROWNEI Plants orders can be delayed a few…

Sword - Amazon - Large - Bunch of 6

Sword - Amazon - Large - Bunch of 6

Plants orders can be delayed a few days up to 10 days as we do…

Sword - Amazon - Medium - Bunch of 12

Sword - Amazon - Medium - Bunch of 12

Plants orders can be delayed a few days up to 10 days as we do…

Sword - Assorted - Medium - Bunch of 6

Sword - Assorted - Medium - Bunch of 6

Plants orders can be delayed a few days up to 10 days as we do…

Vallisneria - Italian - Small - Bunch of 12

Vallisneria - Italian - Small - Bunch of 12

Plants orders can be delayed a few days up to 10 days as we do…

Vallisneria - Jungle - Medium - Bunch of 12

Vallisneria - Jungle - Medium - Bunch of 12

Plants orders can be delayed a few days up to 10 days as we do…

Wisteria - Bunch of 12

Wisteria - Bunch of 12

Plants orders can be delayed a few days up to 10 days as we do not stock…

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