This is the second time I have ordered Lemon Bristlenose Plecos from SomthingsPhishy, they arrived in great shape, very healthy. They are a great addition to my tanks. ...
I ordered this beautiful discus and am really happy with it’s looks and how well it’s doing great stock Charles McCain 5 Stars ...
I ordered three mandarin orange and three brilliant blue discus at the 2" size and received them exactly two weeks ago. Fantastic experience!! Perfect little fish. They are growing up with two baby Bolivian rams, and 10 rummy nose tetras in a 60 gallon aquarium. They eat like little pigs, brine shrimp, beef heart, frozen blood worms, and freeze dried tubifex worms. I did deworm them when they first started eating which was very easy to do. Will definitely purchase again. ...
The baby discus arrived alive and healthy. Important: follow instructions and learn about discus care. They like clean and warmer water. I keep mine at 84- 85 F and use tap water dechlorinator. Don't overfeed your fish. I use discus flakes twice daily and frozen brine shrimps no more than twice a week to prevent water pollution and fish sickness. No frozen bloodworms because they often carry deadly disease Hexamitia. As a fungus prevention (discus hiding, changing colors, darting) I add one half of recommended dose of aquarium salt (half of tablespoon to 10 gallons of fresh water). ...
Happy with my order very healthy fish. Highly recommended. ...
I bought ocean green and several other discus and two lemon plecos all doing great I really get quality stock here TY ...
Displaying 19 to 24 (of 1725 reviews)
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