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Angelfish - Glo Starfire Red - Large-LIMIT 4 PER ORDER

Angelfish - Glo Starfire Red - Large-LIMIT 4 PER ORDER

LIMIT 4 PER ORDER.  The price shown is for one Angelfish.  Large Angelfish have a body size…

Angelfish - Glo Starfire Red - XLarge

Angelfish - Glo Starfire Red - XLarge

The price shown is for one Angelfish.  Extra Large Angelfish have a body size without the fins…

Upside Down Catfish

Upside Down Catfish

*Assorted Albino Discus Fish for Sale- 3-3.5 inch

*Assorted Albino Discus Fish for Sale- 3-3.5 inch

The price shown is for one Discus. Assorted Discus are picked randomly. They are all high…

Tetra - X-Ray - QUANTITY OF 3

Tetra - X-Ray - QUANTITY OF 3

X-ray Tetra – The price shown is for 3 X-Ray Tetras.  Tetra Fish…

Tetra - X-Ray - QUANTITY OF 12

Tetra - X-Ray - QUANTITY OF 12

X-ray Tetra – The Price Shown is for 12 Fish.  Tetra Fish for…

Glo Shark - Assorted - Quantity of 4

Glo Shark - Assorted - Quantity of 4

The price shown is for four Assorted Glo Sharks. The average price is 8.95 each. We do not Guarantee…

GloFish - Shark - Electric Green - 2-3 inch - IN STOCK

GloFish - Shark - Electric Green - 2-3 inch - IN STOCK

The price shown is for one Glo Shark. These are extremely Flourescent fish…

GloFish - Shark - Galactic Purple - 2-3 inch - IN STOCK

GloFish - Shark - Galactic Purple - 2-3 inch - IN STOCK

The price shown is for one Glo Shark. These are 4 inch. These are…

GloFish - Shark - Sunburst Orange - 2-3 inch - IN STOCK

GloFish - Shark - Sunburst Orange - 2-3 inch - IN STOCK

The price shown is for one Glo Shark. These are extremely Flourescent fish…

GloFish - Shark - Cosmic Blue - 2-3 inch - IN STOCK

GloFish - Shark - Cosmic Blue - 2-3 inch - IN STOCK

The price shown is for one Glo Shark. These are extremely Flourescent fish…

Gourami - Dwarf - Neon Powder Blue 2 inch

Gourami - Dwarf - Neon Powder Blue 2 inch

Stunning Coloration. One of the most vivid and brightly colored fish. These are all males. Female Dwarf…

Honduras Red Point Cichlid 2 Inch

Honduras Red Point Cichlid 2 Inch

LIMIT 4 PER ORDER. The one pictured is mature male with breeding coloration showing. Males are more…

Spider Drift Wood 5 - 8 inches

Spider Drift Wood 5 - 8 inches

Most plecos are omnivoures and require a variety of food sources. Some plecos eat…

Tetra - Emperor - Blue Eye - QUANTITY OF 12

Tetra - Emperor - Blue Eye - QUANTITY OF 12

This is for twelve Tetras with an average price of 2.50 each. We are…

**Beef Heart Flake Fish Food-Color Enhancing Additives-16 fl oz

**Beef Heart Flake Fish Food-Color Enhancing Additives-16 fl oz

Finally, a flake food that Discus love!!! This is what we primarily feed our Discus. We now…

Angelfish - Black Marble SuperVeil Lace - Medium

Angelfish - Black Marble SuperVeil Lace - Medium

These have much of the pattern and coloration, even as small juveniles, but the white marbling will…

Tetra - Serpae

Tetra - Serpae

The price shown if for 1 Tetra…

Sword - Amazon - Medium - Bunch of 12

Sword - Amazon - Medium - Bunch of 12

Plants orders can be delayed a few days up to 10 days as we do…

Parrot - Blood - 2 inches

Parrot - Blood - 2 inches

These are in stock and ready to ship. They are 3-4 inches. The coloration will vary. We…

Barb - Long Finned Veil Cherry Barb

Barb - Long Finned Veil Cherry Barb

We are now stocking these due to high demand. The price is for one…

Angelfish - Neon Metallic Aqua Blue Arrowhead - Med

Angelfish - Neon Metallic Aqua Blue Arrowhead - Med

These have been selectively bred to eliminate the Ventral Fins, giving then the perfect arrowhead…

Tetra - Blushing Long Finned White - 12 Pack

Tetra - Blushing Long Finned White - 12 Pack

The price shown is for 12 Tetras. We are now stocking these when available. Blushing Long Finned…

GloFish - Barb - Galactic Purple - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

GloFish - Barb - Galactic Purple - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

The price shown is for six GloBarbs. They will glow if put under a black light.   …

GloFish - Barb - Starfire Red - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

GloFish - Barb - Starfire Red - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

The price shown is for six GloBarbs. They will glow if put under a black light.   …

GloFish - Barb - Assorted - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

GloFish - Barb - Assorted - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

The price shown is for six GloBarbs. They will glow if put under a black light.   …

GloFish - Barb - Sunburst Orange - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

GloFish - Barb - Sunburst Orange - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

The price shown is for six GloBarbs. They will glow if put under a black light.   …

GloFish - Barb - Electric Green - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

GloFish - Barb - Electric Green - 1 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

The price shown is for six GloBarbs. They will glow if put under a black light.   …

Brilliant Blue Diamond Discus Fish for Sale 2 Inch

Brilliant Blue Diamond Discus Fish for Sale 2 Inch

The size of the these will be between 1.5 and 2.25 inches with most being right around…

GloFish - Shark - Sunburst Orange - Quantity of 6

GloFish - Shark - Sunburst Orange - Quantity of 6

The price shown is for six Glo Sharks. They will glow if put under a…

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Cosmic Blue - Quantity of 6

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Cosmic Blue - Quantity of 6

The price shown is for six Long Finned GloTetras. They will glow if put under…

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Electric Green - Quantity of 6

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Electric Green - Quantity of 6

The price shown is for six Long Finned GloTetras. They will glow if put under…

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Sunburst Orange - Quantity of 6

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Sunburst Orange - Quantity of 6

The price shown is for six Long Finned GloTetras. They will glow if put under…

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Starfire Red - Quantity of 6

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Starfire Red - Quantity of 6

The price shown is for six Long Finned GloTetras. They will glow if put under…

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Moonrise Pink - Quantity of 6

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Moonrise Pink - Quantity of 6

The price shown is for six Long Finned GloTetras. They will glow if put under…

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Assorted - Quantity of 6

GloFish - **Tetra - Long Finned Assorted - Quantity of 6

The price shown is for six Long Finned GloTetras. Assorted LF GloTetras are picked…

GloFish - * Tetra - Cosmic Blue - 1-2 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

GloFish - * Tetra - Cosmic Blue - 1-2 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

The price shown is for six GloTetras. They will glow if put under a black light.   …

GloFish - * Tetra - Assorted - 1-2 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

GloFish - * Tetra - Assorted - 1-2 inch - Quantity of 6 - Special Order

The price shown is for six GloTetras. Assorted GloTetras are picked randomly from all of the strains…

Tetra - Ember - QUANTITY OF 3

Tetra - Ember - QUANTITY OF 3

The price is for three Ember Tetras. The average price is 2.99 each. We…

L200 Yellow Spotted Green Phantom Pleco 4-5 inch

L200 Yellow Spotted Green Phantom Pleco 4-5 inch

All Plecos are unique and the coloration/pattern of each can vary. The Pleco you are purchasing is…

Brilliant Blue Mosaic Discus Fish for Sale 3-3.5 inch

Brilliant Blue Mosaic Discus Fish for Sale 3-3.5 inch

These are a beautiful brilliant blue as juveniles and already have most of their coloration by two…

*Assorted Discus Fish 3-3.5 inch - Quantity of 4

*Assorted Discus Fish 3-3.5 inch - Quantity of 4

LIMIT TWO 4 PACKS PER ORDER -  The size range for these is 3…

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